Products & Services

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Sewage Treatment System Domestic

Since 1980 Titanium Tantalum Products Limited (TiTaN®) has been a process developer and manufacturer of innovative electrochemical systems serving a global marketplace. Today, TiTaN® continues at the forefront of electrochemical technology with electrochemical cells and systems, serving the life sciences, and the water and wastewater needs ofindustry and communities around the world.

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Effluent Treatment Plant

TiTaN®, with 3 decades of experience in electrochemical technology provides RT ECO™ industrial effluent treatment system (ECOLOGICAL TREATMENT) for continuous treatment of industrial waste, the most effective, SAFE, ECO-FRIENDLY AND NON HAZARDOUS METHOD OF TREATING INDUSTRIAL EFFLUENT / WASTE, making INDUSTRIAL WASTE STREAMS MAXIMUM FREE FROM toxic or recalcitrant materials, colour, heavy metals, oil/water, emulsions, synthetic oils OF BACTERIAL CONTAMINANTS BY NEUTRALIZING, DISINFECTING AND DEODORISING.

About Us * Advanced Water Treatment * Anode Baskets (Titanium) * Batch Chlorinators * Blowers * Cathodic Protection * Caustic Fusion Accessories * Caustic Recovery Machinery * Centrifugal Pumps In Non Corrosive Metals * Chemical Dosing Pumps * Chlor Alkali Technology * Close Coupled Pumps * Coils Titanium Coils * Columns And Towers * Commercial Salt Water Pool Chlorinator * Condensers * Continuous Electro De Ionization Cell * Dimensionally Stable Anodes * Effluent Treatment Plant * Electro Oxidation Cell * Electrolyzers * Electroplating * Electroplating Jigs And Racks * Electroplating Titanium Baskets * Fasteners * Fluid Dynamics * Gravure Cylinder And Roller Chrome Plating * Heat Exchangers * Heater Titanium Heaters * Heaters Titanium Heaters * Heating Cooling Immersion Coils * High Strength Hypo Bleach Plant * Hygienic Pumps For Pharmaceuticals * Hypopac Concentric Tubular Cell * Industrial Pumps * Klorogen Bw Ship Ballast Water Cell * Klorogen Parallel Plate Electrolyzer * Marine Growth Prevention System * Mini Chlor Alkali Plant * Mixed Metal Oxide Iccp Anode * Mobile Chlorine Generators * Mother Liquor Pre Heater * Onsite Hypochlorite Generating Systems * Onsite Hypochlorite Generator * Pipes And Pipefittings * Plating Titanium Baskets * Platinised I. C. C. P Anodes * Platinized Niobium Metal Anodes * Platinized Titanium Metal Anodes * Pressure Vessels * Process Cooling Water Treatment System * Reaction Vessels * Reactors * S. S. Vessels * Seawater Chlorination Systems * Sewage Treatment System Domestic * Ship Ballast Water Treatment System * Special Metal Electrodes * Special Products * Strirage Vessels * Tailor Made Equipments * Tantalum Repair Kit * Titanium Basket * Titanium Baskets * Titanium Coils * Titanium Heater * Titanium Heaters * Titanium Heaters Baskets Coils * Vacuum Pumps * Valves * Coil (Titanium Coils) * Electroplating (Titanium Products) * Baskets (Titanium Baskets) * Metal Finishing (Titanium Products) * Heating Coils (Titanium Heating Coils) * Plating (Titanium Products) * Drum Filter * Injection Solution Kettle * Chemical Plants (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Air Receiver * Chemical Plants * Chemical Machinery (Pressure And Reaction Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Tanks, ) * Chemical Process Plants * Hydro Cyclone * After Cooler * Caustic Recovery Plant * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Reactor Vessels * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Reaction Vessels (Chemical Plants) * Pressure Vessels (Chemical Machinery) * Sterile Reactor * Ss Tank (Chemical Plants) * Ss Tank (Chemical Machinery) * Vacuum Receiver * Refrigerated Air Dryer